Am 07.10.2014 um 02:10 schrieb John Hardin:
On Tue, 7 Oct 2014, Reindl Harald wrote:

it was your "Re: [SPAM] Re: False positive in rule: FUZZY_XPILL" i
refered implicitly as i started that thread - mayb eyou can make clear
that the [SPAM] part was not your personal prefix for the SA list as
LuKreme repeatly pretends instead just accept the hint instead make a

Apologies for that, I'm not in the habit of editing the subject line (or
even looking closely at it) when I reply. I will try to develop that habit

no reason to apologize, the only people which need to aplogize are the ones pretending things without any need or knowledge how spamfilters are setup for most users out there and even restart to do so days later after the thread was done

my intention was just a friendly reminder because i had that old filter from many years ago and i'm watching my junk-folder anaways for pull out things to train bayes, so i just wondered why twice a SA-list message landed there and though "uhm, for sure not the intention of the sender" :-)

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