On 11/13/2014 03:09 PM, Niamh Holding wrote:
OS CentOS 6.4

6.4 is old - centos 6.6
(do you seriously make a point of running old versions?)

yum only offers  3.3.1-3.el6

forget SA from YUM /Distro packages. - it ties you to, as Benny sez, "precompiled problems" :)

So I'm building 3.4.0 from source but Makefile.PL reports missing
moduiles, should these be installed from CPAN?

*NO! hands off CPAN!!!*

do you need ipV6 support? (probably not)

build as is and get basic filtering to start with

the extra modules you can add later...
If you need need extra modules which are not provided by Centos go to


yum install http://path-to-rpm/version-rpm

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