On 11/13/2014 03:42 PM, Reindl Harald wrote:

Am 13.11.2014 um 15:21 schrieb Axb:
On 11/13/2014 03:09 PM, Niamh Holding wrote:
OS CentOS 6.4

6.4 is old - centos 6.6
(do you seriously make a point of running old versions?)

yum only offers  3.3.1-3.el6

forget SA from YUM /Distro packages. - it ties you to, as Benny sez,
"precompiled problems" :)

bad advise, in you are doing that throw away CentOS and just use Fedora,
it has at least recent SA packages and a recent userland make
upgrades/builds in the future easier

grab the src.rpm, replace the tarball with the recent and take this as
starting point - frankly that way you get first the list of all missing
"BuildRequires" and at the end a recent SA RPM package with clear deps
and a clean system

doing that for apache, mysql, php, postfix, dovecot, dbmail,
mod_security and a lot of other packages for many years to override
distro packages without break the system over time

blah, blah, blah... I'm trying to save the guy's ass so he gets a working server with least effort and you're suggesting he change distro, make RPMs when he already has trouble deciding if optional packages ar required or not? Lets be real...

Pls stay in your hole and allow me to get this guy off this thread.

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