Am 13.11.2014 um 15:21 schrieb Axb:
On 11/13/2014 03:09 PM, Niamh Holding wrote:
OS CentOS 6.4

6.4 is old - centos 6.6
(do you seriously make a point of running old versions?)

yum only offers  3.3.1-3.el6

forget SA from YUM /Distro packages. - it ties you to, as Benny sez,
"precompiled problems" :)

bad advise, in you are doing that throw away CentOS and just use Fedora, it has at least recent SA packages and a recent userland make upgrades/builds in the future easier

grab the src.rpm, replace the tarball with the recent and take this as starting point - frankly that way you get first the list of all missing "BuildRequires" and at the end a recent SA RPM package with clear deps and a clean system

doing that for apache, mysql, php, postfix, dovecot, dbmail, mod_security and a lot of other packages for many years to override distro packages without break the system over time

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