On February 24, 2015 11:06:31 PM Yves Goergen <nospam.l...@unclassified.de> wrote:

 From the description, they only block by file name pattern. I can't
block all archives with executable files in them. People need to send
those files from time to time. And they know that a plain attached .exe
won't get through filters, so they put it in a .zip archive. If the mail
server now blocks all .exe in .zip without actually scanning the
contents, they're going to complain.

pay attention to clamav max unpack 16 levels of recursive zip, that means if a exe file is recursive zip packed 17 times it will not be a virus ? :)

more serious, if a exe file is just attached to email and its clean, no blocking in clamav, does users not pay attention ?

we are ofttopic, atleast i am

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