On Tue, 24 Feb 2015 23:06:02 +0100
Yves Goergen <nospam.l...@unclassified.de> wrote:

> If the mail server now blocks all .exe in .zip without
> actually scanning the contents, they're going to complain.

At some point, you need to be firm and take care of your users'
security.  We run a commercial filtering service and we
unconditionally block exe (and scr, etc.) files whether directly
attached or in an archive.  We don't give our customers any say in
the matter, though we do of course inform them of the policy up front.

So far, no major complaints.  The few who really need to send such files
rename them to .ex_ before zipping them up.  We have a fairly large
userbase (more than 140,000) so I think we would have heard lots of
complaints by now if people really couldn't live with the policy.



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