David F. Skoll wrote:
> On Thu, 26 Mar 2015 15:05:06 +0100
> Reindl Harald <h.rei...@thelounge.net> wrote:
>> * spamass-milter -r 8.0
>> * messages above 8.0 are *rejected*
> Silently?  Or do you generate an NDR?  I'm genuinely curious as to how you:
> 1) Accept mail for some recipients
> 2) Reject mail for others
> 3) Without generating backscatter
> 4) Given that the messages are sent in the same SMTP session with
>    multiple RCPTs and only one DATA.

For those of you still a little puzzled, here's an example of what David
is asking about.  In the following SMTP transaction, how to you reject
the message for receip1, while accepting the message for recip2?

$ telnet mx.example.org 25
<< 220 example.org, talk to me
>> helo sending.server
<< 250 Hello, friend!
>> mail from:imma.spam...@example.com
<< 250 OK, send this to who?
>> rcpt to:rec...@example.org
<< 250 OK
>> rcpt to:rec...@example.org
<< 250 OK
<< 354 Now for the message
>> <fill in a really spammy message>
>> .

At this point you have one message, scoring > 8 points.  Recipient 1
absolutely requires all mail to be delivered to their Inbox, with a
Subject tag in the case of mail considered spam.  Recipient 2 wants mail
scoring > 8 points to be rejected.

What SMTP response to you send?  You can only send one response, since
you only have one message, but you have two recipients with conflicting
filter policies.


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