On Feb 16, 2015, at 11:47 AM, Kevin A. McGrail <kmcgr...@pccc.com> wrote:

> I'm happy to look at a recent sample and throw it through my system to see 
> what it hits but overall, I've been seeing the exact opposite.

So, one of my users has been getting dozens (sometimes nearly 100) FNs per DAY 
over the last few weeks.  Even though many of these emails are hitting 
BAYES_999, they are not hitting any other non-negligible scoring rules.  I have 
set BAYES_99 + BAYES_999 to a combined score of 4.9 because I don't want it to 
be a complete poison pill, but this is contributing to something like 50% of 
the FNs (where only BAYES_999 is contributing to the score because no other 
rules are hitting).  The other 50% are not getting high-enough Bayes scores, 
but even then, many still don't hit many (or any) other scoring rules so that 
they would still have this problem even if they scored BAYES_999.  In many 
cases, it would appear that he is getting a "fresh batch" that hasn't yet hit 
the RBLs or hash DBs, which is why even with BAYES_999 they don't score over 
the 5.0 threshold... it's causing some severe inbox unpleasantness.

I've been trying to come up with some good URI template rules to block many of 
these but spammers are getting sufficiently generic in their URIs that I worry 
strongly about FPs for these.  I haven't been able to identify any other 
distinctive markers in the template against which I can reliably write rules, 
although I also don't have a program that does strong comparisons to look for 
patterns (I'm just doing this by eye).

I have his spam corpus of a few thousand messages... simple Bayes training 
doesn't seem to help, so some sort of template matching would really be useful 
here, but as I said, I haven't really found anything that I feel comfortable 
writing rules against without significant risk of FPs.

Might anyone have some ideas?

This is getting to be a serious issue for this user and I'm getting 


(For reference: running SA 3.4.0 on CentOS 5.11.)

--- Amir

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