On Mar 27, 2015, at 12:56 PM, Matus UHLAR - fantomas <uh...@fantomas.sk> wrote:

> I see no network checks here... do you use network checks?

On Mar 27, 2015, at 1:11 PM, Kevin A. McGrail <kmcgr...@pccc.com> wrote:

> Are you using network tests?  These are scoring pretty high for me.

I presume you're talking about things like Razor, Pyzor, DCC, and various RBLs? 
 Yes, those are enabled.  The reason you're not seeing them is because they 
didn't hit when the messages were first received.  I'm getting the same hits 
NOW that you are seeing, but those did NOT hit when the messages first arrived.

Remember that these messages were received a number of hours ago, so they have 
had plenty of time to be listed on RBLs and hash DBs in the intervening period. 
 They were clearly not listed there when these messages were received, which is 
exactly why these messages are FNs.  If they were received now, they wouldn't 
be... but they were back then.

This is why I said in the prior message that it appears my user is one of the 
unlucky folks getting these in the very first distribution, before they've had 
a chance to be reported to RBLs and hash DBs.  Some poor schmoe has to be in 
the first distribution, and it appears that he's one of them.  This is why I'm 
looking for other, template-like rules that can be used to identify these 
things, because right now it seems my user is getting them on the first run 
before the network tests are useful.

But, yes, network tests are absolutely enabled.


--- Amir

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