On 12.09.15 15:27, Reindl Harald wrote:
and the package maintainer will tell you it should be considered as
bug upstream when updates from the network are mandatory - no package
does that and SA can also be sueful on machines without a internet
connection working with local files and corpus

Am 12.09.2015 um 19:15 schrieb Matus UHLAR - fantomas:
funny, at least debian SA package does download updates at install time...
you obviously have no experience with distributions...

On 12.09.15 19:18, Reindl Harald wrote:
can we stop that stupid discussion?

I just wanted to point out that different distributions have different
policy (and also that you should stop to be rude to others...).

Fedora/RHEL don't and never will - for obvious reasons - period

and no, i am not the package maintainer but the first person who would file a bug for *any* package which rely on a internet connection due update

in such case it's up to the distributions' maintainer to:
- provide static rules in the (maybe separate) package
- to warn user that he must immediately get new rules or the SA won't work.

most of distributions install updates via network and if that happens, it
should not be a problem to connect to network at the install time or from
the (daily) crontab

still, i would consider not installing rules but restarting the SA daemon
(no matter if from pkg hooks) much worse bug than connecting to the network
to get fresh rules.
However, YMMV.
Matus UHLAR - fantomas, uh...@fantomas.sk ; http://www.fantomas.sk/
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I just got lost in thought. It was unfamiliar territory.

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