Am 12.09.2015 um 19:15 schrieb Matus UHLAR - fantomas:
On 12.09.15 15:27, Reindl Harald wrote:
and the package maintainer will tell you it should be considered as
bug upstream when updates from the network are mandatory - no package
does that and SA can also be sueful on machines without a internet
connection working with local files and corpus

Am 12.09.2015 um 16:08 schrieb Matus UHLAR - fantomas:
did this really happen?

On 12.09.15 16:13, Reindl Harald wrote:
what did really happen?

RPM packages are not supposed to contact network *3rd party*
ressources at install time and when you think 1 second you know why -
who tells you that the 3rd party ressource is available at that moment
and how handle errors and bugreports when it fails?

that will never happen in a distribution package - no idea why you
think we need to discuss that or even you can consider something as
bug when you obviously have no expierience with distributions..

funny, at least debian SA package does download updates at install time...
you obviously have no experience with distributions...

can we stop that stupid discussion?
Fedora/RHEL don't and never will - for obvious reasons - period

and no, i am not the package maintainer but the first person who would file a bug for *any* package which rely on a internet connection due update

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