Am 05.08.2016 um 16:27 schrieb Ian Zimmerman:
On 2016-08-05 09:46 +0100, Martin wrote:

The biggest reason is the way this mailing list is set up, when you
click reply it replies to the poster not the list, this has always
been a bug bare of mine and something that probably should be

Then don't "click reply" but use a proper mail user agent (like mutt,
but there are many others) that have a separate List Reply/Followup

What "should be addressed" is the misconfigured mailing lists that mess
with sender-supplied headers

what *really* should be adressed is people discussion forward and backward completly off-topic stuff based on assumptions instead read the damned first response making things clear seconds after the original post

* a fool did setup a auto-forward of read mail by from-header
* that fool got a reject on the destination server
* that fool came up with a complaint to the list
* that fool is clueless about how email works and all
  the sample rejects he brought where *off-list* mails
* that fool itself should have been removed from this list
  at the day he started a off-list mailing, did not stand
  the response and added a list-admin as CC while it was
  still off-list - doing so that whole thread would never
  have existed nor would i have needed to set the reject

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