> -----Original Message-----
> From: David Darj [mailto:z...@alagazam.net]
> Sent: Tuesday, 27 April 2010 6:26 AM
> To: Cooke, Mark
> Cc: users@subversion.apache.org; Troy Simpson
> Subject: Re: Tigris binary packages for Windows
> On 2010-04-26 13:58, Cooke, Mark wrote:
> > Hi David, list,
> >
> >
> >>>>> On 2010-04-22 17:06, Cooke, Mark wrote:
> >>>>>
> >>>>> I am resurrecting this thread to ask if anyone has come
> >>>>> forward to volunteer time and/or effort to resurrect the
> >>>>> windoze binaries as we are still on 1.6.6 against 1.6.11
> >>>>> announced a few days ago.
> >>>>>
> >>>>>
> >>>>>
> >>>> From: David Darj [mailto:z...@alagazam.net]
> >>>> Sent: 22 April 2010 21:21
> >>>>
> >>>> I have built both 1.6.9 and 1.6.11
> >>>> They are available on my webpage http://alagazam.net
> >>>> You (and anyone else) is welcome to download and use it.
> >>>>
> >>>> The reason I've not announced the release in this (users)
> >>>> list is that I've hoped some people reading the dev list
> >>>> (where I did announce it) to download and test it first so
> >>>> I know my build environment is okey.
> >>>> As the web page says all test on subversion itself is running
> >>>> ok., but the bindings has not been tested.
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>> On 2010-04-23 10:29, Cooke, Mark wrote:
> >>>
> >>> You star!  Thanks very much.  I will do some testing with
> >>> apache 2.2 on windoze using mod_dav_svn and python bindings
> >>> (to Trac using mod_wsgi) and report back...
> >>>
> >>>
> >> From: David Darj [mailto:z...@alagazam.net]
> >> Sent: 23 April 2010 18:08
> >>
> >> Thanx that would be gr8.
> >>
> > So far so good.  Minor points but the ".11" package readme still
> refers
> > to ".9"
> Oh...thats my fault missing to change the version number in some spots.
> I think I was focused on getting the dependecies versions right.
> > and some of the files have a different name format from the
> > tigris packages, e.g.:
> >
> >   o svn-python-1.6.6.win32-py2.6.exe
> >   o svn-win32-1.6.11_py.zip
> >
> > ...although I realise one is an installer and the other just the
> files.
> >
> You're right, the first one is an installer and the second one only the
> files.
> If you look at tigris download page a bit further down you see the
> corresponding zip-file there as well.
> I've just havn't looked into byinding these installers.
> > Actually, I am unsure about installing the latter, can I just copy
> the
> > files over the ones I already have installed or do I need to tell
> python
> > about it somehow (probably OT for this list I guess, perhaps Troy is
> > listening)?
> >
> I'm not a python programmer so I don't really know how to install this
> package (thats why the bindings are not tested).
> But I suppose you can just extract the file over the old ones.
> Actually it's not Troy that used to build the python installers, it was
> DJ Heap, who also used to build the binaries.
> Maybe he has some info on this matter.
> >
> >>> Out of interest, did you use VC6 or VC2008 to compile (there were
> >>> suggestions earlier in the thread that there might be some
> potential
> >>> issues using VC2008 binaries against the official apache build
> which
> >>>
> > I
> >
> >>> am required to use here):
> >>>
> >>>
> >> It's built using the good old VC6 like  D.J Heap previously did.
> >> That way no runtime-dll:s (msvcr*) needs to be distributed with it.
> >>
> >>
> > Excellent, thanks again.
> >
> >
> >>> Also, did you hook up with Troy about the installers ~ I
> >>> assume that he would be able to put them on tigris at least
> >>> until we get a new home on apache:
> >>>
> >>>
> >> I havn't had any contact with troy, but this mail is cc:d to
> >> him as well.  So if he is reading it it would be great if he
> >> (or anyone else) want to put the there.
> >>
> >>
> > It would be really great if Troy could pick up the baton here as that
> > would negate my python install issues.
> >
> > All the best,
> >
> > ~ mark c
> >

Looks like we're getting closer to official binaries then... As far as the
python bindings installer goes, that's something I know nothing about.  I
have new code for the windows WiX-based installer, but thus far haven't had
any commit access to place the code back in.  The WiX code in the repository
has 'issues'.



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