On Wed, Feb 22, 2012 at 11:11 AM, svenk1 <bob.tro...@ketchum.com> wrote:
> Hello.  I've read through some threads, but it seems that the scenarios
> assume I have valid repo dumps.  I do not.
> What I have is a new server, and the backups of the old server.  I installed
> what I can only assume is a much newer version of subversion on the new
> server.  I copied my repo directory to the new server and tried an import,
> which failed with svn: Expected version '3' of repository; found version
> '5'.  In fact, it says that no matter what svn command I put in.
> I am running "svn, version 1.1.4 (r13838)"
> Can anyone please point me down the right path?

That's not much of a description of what you have or what you've done.
  Can you provide some more details about the platforms and versions
involved.  For one thing, an 'import' doesn't make much sense in the
context of 2 repositories,  and neither does an error message about a
too-new repository from what you think is a newer program.    In any
case, I'd try to svnadmin dump the old copy of the repo.  If that
works you can follow the standard instructions.  If not, try to
restore your old version of svnadmin - but from your error message
above, I think you may already be confused about what versions you
have installed and running.

   Les Mikesell

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