Den mån 4 okt. 2021 kl 17:44 skrev Mark Phippard <>:

> Historically, we only allowed distributions of our command line
> binaries to be listed. TortoiseSVN was the first exception we made and
> that was after they added the command line binaries as part of their
> installer. But AFAIK, clients like Cornerstone and Versions are GUI
> clients. Other clients with a long and close relationship with SVN
> such as Subclipse and AnkhSVN have never been listed on this page for
> that reason.

Thank you for pointing this out. Reading the website carefully it actually
says "Note also that this list does not include distributions of larger
collections of software of which Subversion is but one piece.".

Until we change this policy, I believe Cornerstone and Versions should not
be listed.

On the other hand, I think we could change the policy. I think that the
more help we can give to our users (both in the sense of "end users" and
"consumers of our API") the better for everyone. Of course, we should then
list Subclipse and AnkhSVN as well.

I'll come back with another suggestion of change in policy as a reply to a
separate e-mail.

Kind regards,
Daniel Sahlberg

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