> I want you to take a close look at the following points I've been making
> and
> tell me which one is a misinformation.
> 1. Every Tapestry major release is backward incompatible with previous
> releases.

That's true and really inconvenient. On the other hand I also complain about
frameworks, operating systems and even Java itself for getting bigger, more
complex and slower all the time. That's mostly because they do try to stay
backwards compatible and have to deal with a lot of bloat as a result.
Howard has made a different choice here than most other frameworks have. As
a result Tapestry is still lean and mean, gets easier to use with each
release and still performs great.
For me it's not a reason to ditch Tapestry. Old apps are still happily
running on older versions of Tapestry.

For the people that do find this important, the information is openly
available on the website and so you're not actually providing more
information by repeating this over and over again. it is a well known fact.

2. High profile users and commiters have fled Tapestry to other frameworks

That's true of almost any framework or technique I know about.
Tapestry has been under development for years and during that time people
tend to leave and join. That doesn't mean the framework itself is dying.
More frameworks are available today so it makes sense that the number of
developers using a framework gets divided. Different people have different
preferences and both Wicket and GWT are excellent frameworks as well.

> 3. Tapestry has been ditched by www.theserverside.com and replaced with
> another webframework.

Again. It is one example that is true, but I've been moving the other way:
porting stuff to Tapestry and Wicket. I'm currently considering ditching
Wicket altogether for my future projects and stick with Tapestry 5. The
biggest advantage of Wicket was developer productivity in my opinion. Now
Tapestry 5 seems to surpass it and on top of that provides stellar
performance and makes me feel more in control.

That doesn't mean that I think Wicket is bad. It is a great piece of
technology and I think anyone should at least give it a try to form an
honest opinion.

Choice is good and if someone decides to pick another web-framework because
it suits them better, it is hardly an argument against another framework.
Those other frameworks might fit other requirements much better.

Most people use Windows on their workstation. It does the job for most
people, but isn't the best or most efficient choice for everyone. I'm glad
to be able to use Mac OSX at home, while others prefer Linux or even Amiga
OS or something else altogether. One OS isn't bad just because other people
have different preferences.

4. In 7 years of existense of Tapestry, Howard has only been able to train
> just a 100 Tapestry users.

That's simply not true. He may have trained only so many people on site, but
I've learned Tapestry 3 by buying and reading his book. And that's also how
much of the other Tapestry users I know of learned the framework.
After learning Tapestry I trained quote a few people on different projects
You are abusing a single comment made by Howard to make it appear as if
no-one is using this framework.

What is the misinformation here, Chris?

You have stated many things in the past that were untrue and the fact that
you only want answers from Chris about these 4 points makes that very clear.



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