Expressing dissent is not trolling. Sure one could argue that what
constitutes trolling is subjective, but almost any reasonable person can
discern when the line has been crossed. Francis is a lying mischievous
fool that periodically chimes in in hopes of pissing off users, or
scaring off newbies. Not to mention he abuses this list and therefore
it's legitimate participants, like you and I.

Yura Tkachenko wrote:
> I hope after reading my post you won't add me to this page -
> I really want to defend Rob :-) Since some of his points are real problems
> of Tapestry.
> I will say it again: backward compatibility.
> Of course major releases shouldn't be compatible, i.e. 1.0 version not
> necessary compatible with 2.0. But 1.0 should be compatible with 1.1. But at
> the same time T4 wasn't compatible with T3 and T4 is not compatible with T5.
> And after that story who will believe in words like: "Tapestry 5 does not
> even attempt to be backwards compatible to Tapestry 4. Instead, it lays the
> ground work for true backwards compatibility going forwards." (resource -
>, section "Backwards Compatibility").
> Because in the past nobody cared about backwards compatibility we now have a
> problem that T5 is using org.apache.tapestry package and T4 is using the
> same package. As the result if I have a project with T4 and decided to use
> T5 with new cool features I just simply can't do that.
> Of course, in the real world nobody does fully backwards compatibility,
> every time we have issues during migrating to new version of some product.
> Even JDK 1.5 not fully backwards compatible with JDK 1.4.
> But at the same time Tapestry 5 is a great framework with a lot of great
> features.
> Thanks,
> Yura.


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