This is the public part of a project consisiting of four different T5 applications:

We have been running on the latest T5 snapshots for the last six months without any major problems. I have never done such thing before, running a production website on alpha and beta releases, but it worked out well.

- Development of reusable components is easier than ever before!
- T5.1 feels very mature and stable, although still in Alpha / Beta status
- "Live class reloading" is the state of the art in Java web development


Howard Lewis Ship schrieb:
I'm putting together some new presentations about Tapestry and I could
use the help of the Tapestry community.

I need more pictures of live T5 sites.  Just send me a URL and I can
do a screen grab.  This is all about answering the question: "is it

I make a number of reasonable observations about Tapestry 5, but would
love quotes to back it up:
- Fast and easy to develop
- Helps with big teams
- Great performance
- Great internationalization / localization
- Live class reloading gives "almost scripting language productivity"

so quotes along the lines of "we were able to quickly put together
xyz" or "we found qrstuv much easier than our last framework" or
"would have been a failure without Tapestry".  Don't let me put words
in your mouth, however!

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