On 28.09.2011 01:56, Howard Lewis Ship wrote:
Also, you can turn this check off, at least in 5.3 (in later releases,
the option to turn off the check may be removed).  See the release
notes on the Tapestry home page.

Sorry. I have read the release notes 2-3 times since moving from 5.2 to 5.3 alpha, but somehow I didn't understand this. Maybe it should be also mentioned with a bullet in breaking changes, just because it is not seen at compile time.

Can Tapestry start these checks for all the initialized pages at start time? So one could be warned in advance.

It is hard to find all such methods and hidden components while in development, especially if not all pages are covered with tests. I have tried some extensions for Eclipse to find dead code, but they give a zillion of false positives due to how Tapestry works.

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