Thanks guys,
I was wondering when I'd get a point where it's no longer practical to run the 
client through Windows, perhaps I'm getting close.  I can connect fine over 
HTTP, but when I put in the SSL/certificate configuration no go - implementing 
the suggestions made by all.

Michael Salisbury

Senior Systems Architect   |   P  07 960 7011  |   E   
|   W

Waikato Innovation Park, Ruakura Rd, PO Box 9466, Hamilton 3240, NZ


Please send any support enquiries to E


-----Original Message-----
From: André Warnier [] 
Sent: Monday, 22 June 2015 11:24 p.m.
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: Re: SSL configuration using PFX as keystore

Mark Thomas wrote:
> On 22/06/2015 09:39, Mark Thomas wrote:
>> On 22/06/2015 00:25, Michael Salisbury wrote:
> <snip/>
>>> When connecting from a Windows client (any Windows client) I get a 'network 
>>> path not found' error 0x80070035.  I know the path is valid as I can reach 
>>> it via other means, and other WebDAV clients.
>>> The main reason I think this is a Tomcat issue is that it was working just 
>>> fine with v7.0 and no other Windows client changes (updates, software etc.) 
>>> have been made.  There wasn't anything specific in the Tomcat7 config that 
>>> I needed to get the MS client to work, only on the client itself those 
>>> registry changes as previously mentioned.
>> What about the WebdavFixFilter? Is it configured in Tomcat 7 but not 8?
>>> I'll run a Wireshark trace and see what comes up, nothing in the Tomcat 
>>> logs that I can see...
>> I'll do a quick test now and see what I can come up with.
> I needed to enable directory listings otherwise I got a 'network name 
> not found' error 0x80070043.
> With that one change I was able to map a Windows network drive to:
> http://<ip-address>/
> http://<ip-address>/test
> http://<ip-address>:8080/
> http://<ip-address>:8080/test
> With https the behaviour is very strange. Windows is prompting me for 
> credentials even though none are required. I suspect that the 
> untrusted test certificate may be causing some of these problems.
> I fixed the certificate problem so that IE viewed the site as trusted 
> and then I could map a network drive to:
> https://<ip-address>/
> https://<ip-address>/test
> https://<ip-address>:8443/
> https://<ip-address>:8443/test
> No registry changes were required to get this to work.
> Prompting for authentication in response to an untrusted certificate 
> is bizarre to say the least.
> Microsoft generously provide MSDN subscriptions for Apache committers 
> which is why I have the various OS's to hand to test this. The 
> subscription also comes with tech support. I'll open an incident. It 
> will be interesting to see if things have improved since I last tried 
> raising bugs with Microsoft (I filed so many bugs with MS Office and 
> it took so long for MS to fix them that I hit the limit of issues MS 
> would let me have open in parallel).
> I was testing with Windows 7, SP1, 64-bit, fully patched
> None of my WebDAV endpoints are configured to require authentication.
> I did not have to use the WebdavFixFilter.
> Note that I do not have MS Office installed on this machine.
> It does look like things have improved with more recent versions of 
> the Windows clients. I'm not sure what is causing the error you are seeing.
> Maybe MS Office ships with a different WebDAV client.

 From what I remember, yes it does.  That is what I was referring to when 
talking about "depending on what other software is installed on the 
workstation." As I recall, when installing MS-office, it replaces the 
"mini-redirector" by its own DLL, and that changes the behaviour in a number of 

  From past
> experience, I'd suggest trying some of the following:
> - get it working over http before trying https
> - get it working at the server root before trying just a context
> - get it working without authentication before trying with 
> authentication
> - ensure you have directory listings enabled
> - ensure that IE trusts any certificates and no certificate errors are 
> reported when connecting over https
> Mark
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