First of all, thank you, Mr. Malcom, Herr Kreuser, and Mr. Eggers.

One thing I will note is that near as I can tell, mod_proxy and mod_proxy_http are already present on the system (I can find "" and ""), but mod_jk does not appear to be present (no sign of a "" anywhere).

Second, we do indeed have an "00-ssl.conf" file in conf.modules.d, and an "ssl.conf" in conf.d. The conf.d directory also has .conf files for all the domain names, in the form domain.conf and domain-le-ssl.conf, each containing the VirtualHost configurations for the various domains.

Now obviously, the very last thing I want to do is disrupt the existing web sites being served.

Mr. Eggers: Not quite sure I understand the "No virtual host for now" bit, at the top of your sample proxy configuration; I thought everything in httpd had to be in a virtual host.

Something I just noticed myself: if I go to, it *doesn't* immediately redirect me to, but if I go to or, it *does* immediately switch me to https. This seems like some sort of an oversight by my colleague, who configured the sites.

From what I can see, "mod_proxy" seems easier to set up (and one less thing to download); what are the disadvantages, if any?


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