Dear Mr. Eggers, et al.:

Well, after running test installations of Tomcat on a whole string of EC2 spot instances, I went ahead and installed it on the target server. I've got it running, and enabled to start automatically, and I've added a security group to temporarily open 8080 to my office IP address, so that I can reach it directly and verify that it works (it does). And I've also verified that mod_proxy and mod_proxy_http are enabled (they already were; I didn't have to lift a finger)

On 4/6/20 2:13 PM, Mark Eggers wrote:
# Secure your proxy - localhost for now - this is IMPORTANT
<Proxy "*">
   Require ip 127

# Map applications
# You could just use / if you're proxying all requests
# Pick the correct Apache Tomcat port

ProxyPass "/foo" "";
ProxyPassReverse "/foo" "";

Now I'm not sure I understand the <Proxy "*"> container and its contents. The httpd and Tomcat servers are both running on the same box. "Require ip 127" sounds like it's specifying an incomplete IP address.

I can sort-of understand the ProxyPass and ProxyPassReverse directives. Given that all requests to this particular VirtualHost ("" to speak metasyntactically) should be going to Tomcat (which will have a root context and at least four [including manager] named contexts), would this be:

    ProxyPass "/" "";
    ProxyPassReverse "/" "";


Conversely, none of the other VirtualHosts would be proxying Tomcat (or anything else), so should all this be within the VirtualHost?


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