> From: BoyePeter [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Subject: Re: HTTP 400 Error when trying to check Tomcat installation
> SEVERE: Error deploying web application directory ROOT
> java.lang.SecurityException: Servlet of class
> org.apache.catalina.servlets.InvokerServlet is privileged and
> cannot be
> loaded by this web application
> I think this may be the root cause of the problem but I have
> no idea how to fix it.

As Markus suggested, throw away the book you're reading.  It is obviously full 
of errors and extremely dangerous.  The error message you're getting is because 
you uncommented the invoker servlet; that exists purely for compatibility with 
older levels and people too lazy to write webapps properly.

You need to go back to the standard Tomcat installation, and don't edit 
anything in conf other than the conf/tomcat-users.xml file.  You should not be 
placing your servlet in the ROOT directory; instead, create another directory 
under webapps that will be the name of your particular application (e.g., 
"test" or "sample").  Under that directory, you will need to create WEB-INF and 
WEB-INF/classes; your servlet should be placed in WEB-INF/classes.  Under 
WEB-INF, you'll need a web.xml file containing a <servlet> declaration for your 
class.  Look in the examples that come with Tomcat to see what that looks like. 
 (Alternatively, just use Eclipse Web Tools as Markus also said to do all the 
dirty work for you.)

 - Chuck

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