Can the wget clone do this without modification, or do I need to change it?

So basically you're saying:

Send content larger then content-length. Then close the connection, see if the post request gets processed?

The ajax requests may be done over a seperate connection, but all subsequent requests use keepalive and are definately done over the same connection, this is in firefox 3.0.6. I fired up my network analyzer, to be 100% sure and there are no new outgoing connections there.


Christopher Schultz wrote:
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On 3/3/2009 2:07 PM, Taylan Develioglu wrote:
I can reproduce it on demand with our application, but I wouldn't know
how to create a post request that would stall, the servlet can stall the
response, but isn't processing of the request (i.e. fetching post
parameters) done by tomcat?

You would write a client that sets Content-Length, sends half of it, and
then does a sleep for a few seconds, then attempts to send the rest. I
have a Java clone of wget that I could loan you if you wanna play with it.

You might be able to reproduce it as follows:

- Create a http connector with a keepalive timeout of 5s. (apr w/ 10s in
our case, but it happens with NIO as well. Check previous post for our
connector definition)

- Have an ajax app do post requests to servlet A that logs the post
parameters. (javascript/ajax in our case, check previous post for our
http header info)

- See if any post parameters come up empty at servlet A.

I would think that AJAX requests would be sent in separate HTTP
connections, not in a keepalive connection that stays open for a long
time, no?

Note that I almost certainly think this only happens w/ clients that use
IE 6/7.

It's possible/probable that MSIE's Ajax implementation is broken. I'd be
interested to see if there's any difference between HTTP communications
on a well-behaved browser versus MSIE.

- -chris
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