Michael A. Repucci wrote:
Hi Tomcat'ers,

I'm completely new to Tomcat, and very unfamiliar with JSP or web
applications in general. I've been trying to set up an application on my
system (Ubuntu 9.04) that works just fine on my colleagues' systems (Windows
XP). I've got Tomcat working just fine, and the manager and demo
applications all work. But loading our application was giving me errors.
Before I can let you know what the errors are, I need help making Tomcat
write them once again to the log files. See, I did a silly thing. I wanted
to clear the log files (catalina.out and ourapp.log), so I just opened them,
emptied them, and resaved them. (Dumb, I know. I was getting frustrated.) Lo
and behold, Tomcat stopped writing to them, even after completely restarting
my computer. How can I get Tomcat to rewrite to these files? I've searched
all over this group's archive and the web, and the closest thing I found was
this not so helpful suggestion (
http://marc.info/?l=tomcat-user&m=107947604330561&w=2). Any ideas?

Did you try stopping Tomcat, deleting these logfiles altogether, and restarting Tomcat ?

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