Michael A. Repucci wrote:
Well, actually, I did this stupid thing under Ubuntu Linux. I've even now
gone through the process of completely uninstalling and reinstalling the
Tomcat packages, and it doesn't help. So now, not only does our application
not work on my local machine, but I can't figure out why because Tomcat
won't give me error messages. I think I'm going to give up on Tomcat
entirely ... crappy piece of software. I take it that you have nothing
useful to contribute to my problem?

Sorry, I got confused between your system and your colleague's.

I'll quote you :
--See life as it is, not as it appears to be.

But yes, I'll try some suggestions :
Under Ubuntu, your Tomcat is probably running under "jsvc", which is a kind of wrapper which allows Tomcat to be started as non-root, but still use port 80 for instance if needed. And it is probably also being launched by the script /etc/init.d/tomcatx.y. (where x.y is the version) If you look in that file, you'll also probably find that it does some funny things with some logfiles, which normally should be found under /var/log/tomcatx.y., but which may just end up in one of the other logfiles in /var/log in this case.
If you did install this tomcat with the apt utility, then just do
- apt-get remove tomcatx.y
- apt-get purge tomcatx.y

Then, make sure that the java you have is a Sun Java, not gcj, and make it the default (update-alternatives java).
- apt-get install tomcatx.y
and it should just magically run again.

(Under Ubuntu, you probably need to prefix all the above by "sudo").

Alternatively, if you are going to be using this mainly for development, and you don't care if it is well-integrated with the rest of the Ubuntu package system, and you want a Tomcat layout a bit easier to understand than what the Debian and Ubuntu packagers do, you may want to download and install an "official" Tomcat from the Tomcat website. That one installs under a single directory, usually /usr/local/tomcat or so. Then you have everything in one place, without symlinks etc.. The inconvenient is that you'll have to write your own system start/stop scripts etc..

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