> To whom it may concern,
mg>the friendliest greeting ive seen all week
mg>contact us...@maven.apache.org and display your pom.xml (and location of 
your repositories)

> On 11/10/2009 2:18 AM, maven apache wrote:
> > hi:
> > I am so sorry to ask this problem again but I do can not make it work. I
> > have seen the faq, and the doc pages,also I go to the goole to search but
mg>new search engine???

> > ......
> > 
> > I am using tomcat6.0.zip,and my project is managed by maven,so the web
> > module I do not know how to debug,although I know how to debug a
> > common dynamic web project and add breakpoints .
> > But the web module is not a common web project.I have no idea.
> > Someone tell me I can use remote debug for the web module ,however when I
> > try to connect the server,it can not connect .
> > 
> > So I want to know if the remote debug can be used for the web module in
> > maven,if it is,how to config the debug?
> It's not at all clear what you are doing, here. If you are using some
> kind of Maven-specific webapp deployment, I would ask the Maven folks if
> they have any ideas.
> - -chris
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