2009/11/11 Christopher Schultz <ch...@christopherschultz.net>

> Hash: SHA1
> To whom it may concern,
> On 11/10/2009 2:18 AM, maven apache wrote:
> > hi:
> > I am so sorry to ask this problem again but I do can not make it work. I
> > have seen the faq, and the doc pages,also I go to the goole to search but
> > ......
> >
> > I am using tomcat6.0.zip,and my project is managed by maven,so the web
> > module I do not know how to debug,although I know how to debug a
> > common dynamic web project and add breakpoints .
> > But the web module is not a common web project.I have no idea.
> > Someone tell me I can use remote debug for the web module ,however when I
> > try to connect the server,it can not connect .
> >
> > So I want to know if the remote debug can be used for the web module in
> > maven,if it is,how to config the debug?
> It's not at all clear what you are doing, here. If you are using some
> kind of Maven-specific webapp deployment, I would ask the Maven folks if
> they have any ideas.

Yes, I send to the maven maillist,and they suggest me try the remote  debug,
but nomatter how to config the tocmat6.0,I can not connect it through the
IDE,please check the annex. Tomcat.jpg, elcipse.jpg and the conn.jpg
My tomcat is 6.0.zip/

> - -chris
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