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On 1/8/2010 6:17 PM, Patrick Flaherty wrote:
> Thanks a lot. I added a ROOT folder off my appBase and cut and pasted
> everything under that ROOT folder
> and now I am getting filter mapping hits with my ft.com ! We are not
> deploying correctly and this sheds all the
> light on that fact.

Proper deployment is always a good idea. Then, everything works properly :)

> Curiously I was not able to get to ft.com/WEB-INF/web.xml , I got a 404.
> But I am able to get to other files off the root as expected.
> Maybe Tomcat has it's own filter mapping for /WEB-INF/web.xml ? I could
> not get to any file in /META-INF/* either ?

If you deployed correctly under webapps/ROOT, then the WEB-INF folder
and its contents should be protected by the DefaultServlet and should
return a 404: this is expected behavior.

If you have webapps/WEB-INF/web.xml, then I'd expect you to be able to
successfully request /WEB-INF/web.xml because /WEB-INF looks like a
context to Tomcat. It's possible that Tomcat actively protects
[appBase]/WEB-INF similar to protecting a real webapp's WEB-INF
directory, but it is not required to do so.

- -chris
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