On 01/05/2010 18:19, paul geer wrote:
> Hello all,
> I had an installation of ubuntu 8.04 that I recently upgraded to 9.10.  I
> barely used it before the upgrade so the system was very close to a fresh
> install of 8.04 before the upgrade.
> I installed tomcat6 with apt-get.  After setting everything up, I checked
> that I could access the "It works" default page from both inside my home
> network and would accept outside connections.  Clicking the link for the
> manager console prompted me for a username and password, but since I had not
> yet made changes to tomcat-users.xml, it failed as expected.
> I edited the file (/etc/tomcat6/tomcat-users.xml), uncommented the
> "existing" users and added a manager role and a manager user with that
> role.  Upon restarting the server, any attempt to connect to the server
> locally or externally causes the browser to "spin" as if loading a page but
> with no results.  I will sit and spin for hours if I let it (I have) without
> timing out.
> I have tried various permutations of users in the file, such as uncommenting
> the original ones and not adding a manager role or user, adding the role to
> one of the default users, etc, but the only way to get the index page to
> actually load again is to comment out all users.
> Web searches of this issue have only turned up instances of people not
> realizing the users were commented out and editing the file anyway.
> Also, /var/logs/tomcat6 does not contain any logs. I've used updatedb and
> locate to verify that there aren't other tomcat-users files elsewhere.  I've
> also been unable to locate an alternate log directory.
> Thanks for any help the community can offer.  Enjoy your weekend,

If you revert to the original installation, does the /examples app work?

Does using the examples app generate log files in the expected location?


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