On Wed, Jun 09, 2010 at 05:20:22PM +0200, Thomas Kloeber wrote:
> Mark H. Wood wrote on 09.06.2010 17:03:
> > On Wed, Jun 09, 2010 at 04:19:17PM +0200, Thomas Kloeber wrote:
> >    
> >> the problems I have are:
> >>
> >>      * the IP address of the backing database is one of the parameters
> >>        that needs to be configured (in context.xml), so I can't get any
> >>        data from the db unless it is configured...
> >>      * the other confgurables (SPNEGO and kerberos stuff)  are in web.xml
> >>        and as long as they are not set up correct, my app won't start!
> >>      * sounds like a catch 22 to me ...
> >>      
> > Context parameter pointing to a properties file somewhere?  Then you
> > can put the settings wherever you want them, and move them anytime
> > with minimal fuss.  Install the app. outside of any appBase and use an
> > external Context file 
> > ($CATALINA_BASE/conf/Catalina/<hostname>/<contextname>.xml)
> >   to point to it and provide the parameter's value:
> >
> >    <Context docBase='/some/where/myapp'>
> >      <Parameter name='configuration'
> >                 value='/some/where/else/myapp.properties'
> >                 description='where the configurables are'/>
> >    </Context>
> >
> > You could just define the configurables as separate Parameters, but I
> > would keep them separated from configuration of the servlet container
> > (which the above is) if possible.  Tastes vary.
> >    
> sounds like a good idea, but what about the web.xml stuff? Can I use 
> some redirection there as well?

I guess I don't understand why web.xml must be customized at all.
In Tomcat, <Resource>s can be configured in a <Context>; <Environment>
entries can be made in a <Context>; initialization parameters can
be set in a <Context>.  Is there something else?  And Tomcat allows
you to place the <Context> declaration outside of the app. as noted above.

> Caldarale, Charles R wrote on 09.06.2010 17:04:
> >> how do you "make changes in context.xml inside archive"?
> >>      
> > Unpack it with the jar utility, update, repack.  Alternatively, you can 
> > supply the<Context>  element in a separate file, and have the admin put 
> > that in conf/Catalina/[host]/[appName].xml after modifying the 
> > site-specific attributes.
> I was afraid you say something like that, but to me that is why to 
> complicated/error prone...

I agree.  This always feels to me like telling someone that he can
configure his word processor by using a binary editor on the
executable.  Customers should never have to put their fingers inside
the app; it should get customer-specific information from some place
whose location is told to it at startup.

Mark H. Wood, Lead System Programmer   mw...@iupui.edu
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