On Wed, Jun 09, 2010 at 04:19:17PM +0200, Thomas Kloeber wrote:
> the problems I have are:
>     * the IP address of the backing database is one of the parameters
>       that needs to be configured (in context.xml), so I can't get any
>       data from the db unless it is configured...
>     * the other confgurables (SPNEGO and kerberos stuff)  are in web.xml
>       and as long as they are not set up correct, my app won't start!
>     * sounds like a catch 22 to me ...

Context parameter pointing to a properties file somewhere?  Then you
can put the settings wherever you want them, and move them anytime
with minimal fuss.  Install the app. outside of any appBase and use an
external Context file 
 to point to it and provide the parameter's value:

  <Context docBase='/some/where/myapp'>
    <Parameter name='configuration'
               description='where the configurables are'/>

You could just define the configurables as separate Parameters, but I
would keep them separated from configuration of the servlet container
(which the above is) if possible.  Tastes vary.

Mark H. Wood, Lead System Programmer   mw...@iupui.edu
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