then you are violating the contract of wicket:message. if we do this
then there is little point to allowing body inside wicket:message


On 11/3/07, Eelco Hillenius <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Mmmm. I must say I agree with this. I'd actually prefer it to throw an
> > exception. ;-)
> I'm surprised we don't do this already!
> I would have expected that if
> IResourceSettings#getThrowExceptionOnMissingResource returns true, an
> exception would be thrown here as well. I think we should fix it.
> > Maybe we should add this as a feature?
> > getMarkupSettings().setThrowExceptionOnEmptyMessageTagKeyMissing(true)
> > or something equally descriptive. ;-)
> If we have the exception that outputs the missing key, that should be
> enough imho. I'm not against adding this, but I don't we we need it
> once we implement throwing that exception.
> Eelco
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