If you override a method and your implementation violates the Liskov
Substitution Principle, then it's your fault! :)

On Thu, Jun 12, 2008 at 11:54 AM, cowwoc <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Actually, it's the other way around. Authors make methods final not because
> *you* might make a mistake but rather because *they* might. Using final
> methods simplifies their design a lot because they don't have to do all the
> work you mentioned. Secondly, it leaves the API open to extension (without
> breaking backwards compatibility) in a way that would be lost if anyone
> could override the methods.
> I personally agree with your approach with the following major caveat: if
> developers are able to override any method then it must be understood that
> any implementation making assumptions not guaranteed by the API
> specification is liable to break in future releases. Keep in mind that very
> few things ever are guaranteed by the specification, so practically speaking
> this means that your code is very likely to break as new releases come out.
> To be honest, I personally prefer approach #2 over final methods for public
> projects because (in my experience) even open-source projects take forever
> to fix bugs or add features that you might need right away. I'm a strong
> believer that implementations that make incorrect assumptions deserve to
> break in subsequent releases. One final benefit of #1 worth mentioning,
> however, is that incorrect assumptions end up in a compile-time error
> (roughly speaking) and even smart developers make mistakes every once in a
> while. Consider what happens if you override foo() and forget to invoke
> super.foo() by mistake. Those kinds of mistakes happen all the time. I'm
> toying with the idea that approach #1 makes sense for in-house projects
> where you are a co-owner and can make changes very quickly while approach #2
> makes sense for public projects when developers can't afford to wait on the
> project owner. Put another way, maybe #1 makes sense for mature APIs whereas
> #2 makes sense for experimental APIs (used to flesh out the various
> use-cases you need to support).
> Gili
> Brill Pappin wrote:
>> I understand the reasoning, however I think "best practice" can be
>> debated.
>> To use your example Swing allows the user to override quite a bit, and
>> it doesn't make any (or very few) assumptions on what should and
>> should not be done.
>> I don't like API's that assume I'm an idiot and prevent me from
>> manipulating them how I see fit. If I cause a bug that I have to deal
>> with, thats *my* problem to resolve.
>> In my book (and I'm not the only one) excessive use of final is an
>> anti-pattern.
>> - Brill Pappin
>> On 12-Jun-08, at 10:01 AM, cowwoc wrote:
>>> Brill,
>>> This is actually an API "best practice". Classes fall into two
>>> categories:
>>> ones designed for subclassing, and ones designed to be final. The
>>> same goes
>>> for methods. Swing is full of examples of what goes wrong when people
>>> override methods in classes that haven't been designed with
>>> subclassing in
>>> mind.
>>> Gili
>>> Brill Pappin wrote:
>>>> on removing the finals
>>>> The final members are the worst thing I've had to deal with in Wicket
>>>> so far.
>>>> Although I understand that there may be a reason for them, they are
>>>> more a hinderance than anything else and seem to be trying to
>>>> "protect
>>>> users from themselves".
>>>> - Brill Pappin
>>>> On 12-Jun-08, at 1:03 AM, cowwoc wrote:
>>>>> Have you considered moving from subclassing to composition in Wicket
>>>>> using
>>>>> Callable<T>?
>>>>> Currently it is quite common for developers to subclass a component
>>>>> in order
>>>>> to override isVisible() and other properties. I am proposing that
>>>>> instead
>>>>> the component classes become final and properties may only be set
>>>>> using
>>>>> setter methods. The setter methods would take Callable<T> instead of
>>>>> T, so
>>>>> for example setVisible(boolean) would become
>>>>> setVisible(Callable<Boolean>)
>>>>> The benefit of this approach is that you could introduce static
>>>>> factory
>>>>> methods to the Wicket components which would make them much easier
>>>>> to use in
>>>>> their Generic form. You could then introduce various helper
>>>>> classes to
>>>>> create Callable<T> for constant values, such as
>>>>> Callable.valueOf(true) would
>>>>> return a Callable<Boolean> that always returns true.
>>>>> --
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