In my opinion, this is exactly the mistake of JSF. (and struts/jsp, etc).
They keep putting logic (in the form of tags) in the markup.
How long will it take until people understand that markup/xml is NOT a
programming language?
You have to seperate logic and markup. You cannot mix them.

Also JSF is not enough OO. OO should encourage componenr reuse. JSF
component structure is too complex to make reusable components. (It is
possible however, but it must be easy. MUCH easier that it is now today.
The same mistake was made with the EJB spec 1 and 2. Version 3 did fix this
(more or less).
JSF is way too complex for doing simple things. They -again- forgot the KISS
principle (Keep it Simple & Straightforward/Stupid).

Wicket (but also Tapestry) is in my opinion a giant leap forward. I wondaer
when the JSF spec will start look like this way of working...

My 2 cents...


On Mon, Dec 21, 2009 at 1:53 PM, Martin Makundi <> wrote:

> > I know JSF is standard; what is your idea about current JSF status?
> Just forget about it ... ;)
> **
> Martin
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