That is amazing. You yanked mhalcrow from the UUG list just like that? Wow. I'm dumbfounded. Mike has been one of the biggest contributors to this list and to the UUG itself. Of all the posts that fly through here, his are the ones that catch my attention the most. If I don't have time to read everything, I'll usually at least read the posts from a few specific subscribers; Mike is one of them. His answers to technical questions were invaluable, he has a deep and wide knowledge of Linux and it's facets. His opinion posts were truthful, researched, and exact. When Mike came back to the UUG list after moving to Austin, I was glad that the list could again benefit from his contributions. Agree with his views or don't, Mike had a positive influence on the UUG list.

Now, I realize that regardless of one's contributions, we can't give special treatment to anyone. However, is this really the procedure for one (possibly minor) offense or did someone just not like Mike and used it as an excuse? If the latter, then shame on you. If it really is the procedure, how could you be so brazen? Didn't you wonder that it should be a little more lenient? Didn't you hesitate and think, "It should be different" before pressing the offend-Mike-so-he'll-never-come-back button? If removing such a valuable member from the list didn't stop you to think about it and reconsider the policies, then what will?

All in all, it's too late now. He's gone and sure to never come back . . .. Ah well, no biggie in the grand scheme, we will all come and go; I'm happy that Mike got to go out with a bang. It was possibly past time for him to move on to contribute to another group; perhaps many of us have overstayed our welcome. One thing for sure, the BYU-UUG was a better group for having Michael Halcrow's name associated with it.

Matt W.

P.S. I'd like to restate: Shame on you if removing Mike from the list was even slightly based on personal feelings towards him.

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