On 4/25/06, Halcyon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> **My experience with fake death online**
> Many years ago, I encouraged a young girl (that worked for me
> remotely at collegeclub.com) with cancer to start a blog.
> After she got quite a following, she eventually died.
> It turned out she never existed. "Kaycee Nicole" was a made up
> persona.
> I had to deal with ALOT of backlash and internal struggles, as well.

Not knowing this particular case, I don't know if this applies, but it
seems to me that someone trying to manipulate sympathies in this way
and get attention actually does have some deep problems that need
addressing - just not necessarily cancer!

best regards,
Deirdré Straughan

www.beginningwithi.com (personal)
www.tvblob.com (work)

Fireant Individual Use


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