Don't do it.

You might think it will make you feel better but it won't.


Tim Street
Creator/Executive Producer
French Maid TV
Subscribe for FREE @

On Jan 30, 2008, at 2:15 PM, Chris wrote:

> Where does one go to vent when the "talent" in your project screws you
> over? Does anybody run some kind of "shitlist" website for unreliable
> actors?
> And I mean vent in a "name names" kind of way. I don't want anybody
> else to get boned by this performer who was a repeated no-show over
> several weeks, was horribly late when she finally did show, and then -
> after a half hour of mulling over wardrobe and makeup - drops this
> bomb five seconds into the first shot: "I don't think I'm right for
> this project."
> I realize you get what you pay for - in this case, nothing - but this
> person had the better part of a month to bow out of the project. And
> like a sap, I let myself get strung along that entire time.
> Oh well... fool me once, shame on you; fool me seven times, I'm just a
> big ol' retard. However, that realization does nothing to sate my
> appetite for sweet, savory VENGEANCE.
> So if anyone knows of an L.A.-based acting board where I can go write
> something I'll eventually regret but that will feel oh-so-good in the
> short term, let me know.
> Chris

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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