--- In videoblogging@yahoogroups.com, Tim Street <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Don't do it.
> You might think it will make you feel better but it won't.
> Karma....Karma

I know, you're right. And I probably wouldn't do it anyway, if only
because I know that kind of sword cuts both ways.

But I'm just so crestfallen. Heartbroken, even. This has just been the
latest in a long line of punches to the gut. I'm having serious bad
luck bringing projects to fruition, for lack of reliable help (both in
front of and behind the camera).

But you're right, I should just let it go and count my blessings. I
begin shooting a big series on Saturday, with a cast of folks who seem
pretty committed.

And if ten adorable actresses in scanty atire can't lift me out of my
funk, then I should be locked away and doped up. They're not French
maids, but don't hold that against them.  ;)

Anyway, thanks for letting me vent...


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