>  I really don't want to see ISP's to be "in bed" with the Government.

well, if we're afraid of our governments then we're all screwed.
I know some already think this.
But at least we're supposed to be able to affect government policy.
you cant affect a private company's policy especially if they are is a
monopoly situation.

>  And being recipients of tax money. (I'm really not a fan of these
>  Socialist type programs.)
>  I'm going to refrain to going off on a long rant about it, but just
>  say...... it's one thing not to tax these companies to try to "make
>  things happen".... but it's an entirely different thing to
>  (forcefully) take money from other people and give it to ISPs.

everyone, including companies, pay taxes.
Its how we pay for things around us.
I know this is a controversial issue for many (including Wesley Snipes)

By letting the water company and electric company pay lower taxes,
they can have more to invest in their infrastructure.
Same could be said for broadband providers if we, as a people, agreed
these were important services for the running of society.
Since everyone is paying to access these services, there is huge
guaranteed profits to be reaped.


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