If these free market fantasies were ever allowed to come to true fruition, then 
the true 
horros of that 'natural state' would become apparent. But because there never 
has, nor 
ever will be a free market of this sort, and this can be blamed upon 
government, its easy 
to make that ideology sound rosy.

All of the distortions and non-freeness of the market is in fact part of the 
nature of 
humans, how else did it come to be this way?

Game theory is not an accurate model of human behaviour. Not everyone bahaves 
by those 
rules, there is a C called collaboration that counterbalances the C of 
competition. Both of 
these forces do great good and great harm. All entities with power, use that 
power for 
good and for harm, whatever they feel their intentions are.

It seems to me that both left-wing and right-wing, pro collective or pro 
ideologies, if carried to their extreme, run the risk of creating power vacuum, 
replacing the power of the state with the laws of the jungle, and some brutal 
local mafia as 
the power that controls your life.

I believe in the public
I belieive in public institutions
I beleive not everything can or should have a direct profit extracted from it, 
a collective 
profit has advantages, even for companies of all shapes and sizes. 

Yet there are overwhelming reasons to be cynical about these things I believe 
in, just as 
there is plenty that makes me shake my head at the free market fantasies. The 
crisis in 
credibility of democratic government is something to be feared more than the 
itself. Much worse forms of command & control could be unleashed by 
who seek to totally eliminate their chosen scapegoat. 

These arguments could rage eternal, unless resource depletion puts the gods of 
and competition into serious doubt, and makes the free market dream a nightmare 
that is 
permanently beyond reach.

United we stand, divided we fall, but we may never find a mutually acceptable 
means of 
uniting.  A free market is one vision of humans interacting, but its no more 
'the natural 
way' than centralised government control is.


Steve Elbows
--- In videoblogging@yahoogroups.com, "Charles Iliya Krempeaux" <[EMAIL 
> Hello,
> On Feb 13, 2008 12:08 PM, Jay dedman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> [...]
> >  everyone, including companies, pay taxes.
> >  Its how we pay for things around us.
> It's not that way for everything... but for the things it is like that
> for...  it doesn't have to be that way.
> We tend to get a much better ROI on things we pay for on a free
> market, than things paid for via tax money.
> If a private company does something we don't like, we can choose not
> to use their services or purchase their products.  If they're doing
> something alot of people don't like, then alot of people will have
> this same reaction.
> This will affect their bottom line, and could end their business.
> People can even choose to even start their own company and compete
> with this company directly.  And thus providing an alternative.
> The original company ends up shooting themselves in the foot....  and
> looses their business (unless they change their ways).
> However...... If a government provides a shitty service, what can we
> do about it?....  Nothing!
> And I know... people are going to say, well you can vote and change
> things.  First, in my observation, voting rarely seems to change
> anything.  But.... second... let's assume voting does change things...
> well you have to wait 4 years before you can affect any kind of
> change.  And you get one shot at it.  (We essentially have 4 year
> dictatorships.)
> That's NOT better than a free market.
> I think it's better to remove the regulations we have now that are
> (for all practical purposes) preventing new competitor ISP from
> arising.
> See ya
> -- 
> Charles Iliya Krempeaux, B.Sc.
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