
On Feb 13, 2008 12:08 PM, Jay dedman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


>  everyone, including companies, pay taxes.
>  Its how we pay for things around us.

It's not that way for everything... but for the things it is like that
for...  it doesn't have to be that way.

We tend to get a much better ROI on things we pay for on a free
market, than things paid for via tax money.

If a private company does something we don't like, we can choose not
to use their services or purchase their products.  If they're doing
something alot of people don't like, then alot of people will have
this same reaction.

This will affect their bottom line, and could end their business.

People can even choose to even start their own company and compete
with this company directly.  And thus providing an alternative.

The original company ends up shooting themselves in the foot....  and
looses their business (unless they change their ways).

However...... If a government provides a shitty service, what can we
do about it?....  Nothing!

And I know... people are going to say, well you can vote and change
things.  First, in my observation, voting rarely seems to change
anything.  But.... second... let's assume voting does change things...
well you have to wait 4 years before you can affect any kind of
change.  And you get one shot at it.  (We essentially have 4 year

That's NOT better than a free market.

I think it's better to remove the regulations we have now that are
(for all practical purposes) preventing new competitor ISP from

See ya

Charles Iliya Krempeaux, B.Sc.

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