What's the ROI on our interstate highway system?
on our local and national parks?
on our water supplies?
on our public universities?

Ron Watson

On Feb 13, 2008, at 3:41 PM, Charles Iliya Krempeaux wrote:

> Hello,
> On Feb 13, 2008 12:08 PM, Jay dedman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> [...]
> > everyone, including companies, pay taxes.
> > Its how we pay for things around us.
> It's not that way for everything... but for the things it is like that
> for... it doesn't have to be that way.
> We tend to get a much better ROI on things we pay for on a free
> market, than things paid for via tax money.
> If a private company does something we don't like, we can choose not
> to use their services or purchase their products. If they're doing
> something alot of people don't like, then alot of people will have
> this same reaction.
> This will affect their bottom line, and could end their business.
> People can even choose to even start their own company and compete
> with this company directly. And thus providing an alternative.
> The original company ends up shooting themselves in the foot.... and
> looses their business (unless they change their ways).
> However...... If a government provides a shitty service, what can we
> do about it?.... Nothing!
> And I know... people are going to say, well you can vote and change
> things. First, in my observation, voting rarely seems to change
> anything. But.... second... let's assume voting does change things...
> well you have to wait 4 years before you can affect any kind of
> change. And you get one shot at it. (We essentially have 4 year
> dictatorships.)
> That's NOT better than a free market.
> I think it's better to remove the regulations we have now that are
> (for all practical purposes) preventing new competitor ISP from
> arising.
> See ya
> --  
> Charles Iliya Krempeaux, B.Sc.
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