--- In videoblogging@yahoogroups.com, "ractalfece" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Kent laid out some good advice for content creators during his keynote
> at Pixelodeon.  Boil things down to the essential.  Make it like a
> pill.  Edit out the boring parts.  Make it faster than you think you
> should.  Produce consistently.  "Quick quick quick fast fast fast".
> But what might be good advice for content creators is horrible for
> artists and intellectuals and real journalists.   Read Kent's blog
> post where he calls David Lynch a tool and tells him to make content
> that plays well on a 320 by 240 window.  

I don't write for artists and certainly not intellectuals.  They have
their own heroes and leaders, and I'm certainly not in either camp.  I
want to produce popular entertainment and I want to help others that
are like minded.

I do this for selfish reasons, I want to be delighted and entertained.
 And I want others in the field to raise the value of their efforts so
that I can charge more for mine.

I am a craftsman.  I ply my trade, tell tiny little stories that
people want to watch.  No more no less.

> When our heroes fail us, they deserve our special scorn.

This is what I've always been about.  I've always been about wanting
to break into showbiz and then telling other how to do so.

How have I failed?  I've been fairly consistent in word and deed ever
since I've shown up.

Is it because I have criticized noted artists and intellectuals?  My
critisms are valid.  Just because I didn't drop trou and whack off in
Lynch's face doesn't mean my arguments don't have merit.

I dropped out of college for a reason. I'm anti-intellectual and
pro-experiential learning.  I was tired of the mental busywork
required to get a BA.  And I felt too much misplaced honor to cheat my
way through.

I was never more liberated than the day I left college.

As in regards to my leadership, I take that role very seriously.  I
try to always stick up for the little guy on this list and in other
places and speak truth to power by calling BS when I see it.  That's
why I spoke up to Mr. Rushdie in an environment that just wanted me to
sit down and be quiet.

I was terrified, but I had to speak up.  Sorry my pro-open internet
sentiments didn't jibe with your sensibilities.

> @Kent,
> I ain't gonna hurt you or Douglas.  Like I said in the video, I use
> words.  But go ahead and get a restraining order.  That'll make you
> look cool.  And it certainly won't draw any attention to Information
> Dystopia.

Maybe that's true, time will tell.

On the attention note, I've delinked you on my blog:


And this will be the last I write about you.


-Kent, knows he should feed the trolls, but...

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