Nokia has been closed up until now.  The N900 using an open source OS  
is a radical departure for them - they've been a traditional,  
hierarchical closed company.  Thus many fewer apps.  Also the apps are  
more functional, less fun for straight mobile phones.  The moment you  
bring in a touch screen with a large screen surface area and good  
resolution, the more things you can do with it.  And then add the  
financial and career incentive of creating a successful app for the  
world's most popular mobile computer.

I think you're right, though - Nokia have had to raise their game  
massively because of the iPhone, and the N900 is definitely a  
desperate reaction to the iPhone and their subsequent drop in market  
share.  Making it open and using a slightly different technology for  
the touch screen is a gamble, but I think it might pay off.  I'm  
already scheming video apps for it.

On 29-Sep-09, at 4:21 PM, Jay dedman wrote:

> > So Rupert.... given your experience with Nokia and Apple, I would  
> love to
> > read your more elaborate thoughts on the two options for mobile  
> smart phone
> > puters. Are you leaning towards iPhone?
> I was a Nokia user for a long time...but without being a fanboy, I got
> to say how awesome the iPhone is. The fact that you can figure out how
> to do things without instructions is amazing. Hopefully, other
> companies will follow this model.
> It's strange to me that Nokia is open and Apple is closed, but
> developers have created many more applications for Apple than Nokia.
> Being a big fan of Open Source, it's just an example that usability
> will always win.
> As far as the camera on the iPhone 3GS, it's not something right home
> about. The image is pretty poor. Little control. Bad mic. BUT BUT BUT
> it is extremely easy to take a video and post it online. So easy.
> Hopefully, Apple with all their developers and design sense will just
> set the expectation for how all phones should be, open source
> included.
> Jay
> --
> 917 371 6790

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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