> So Rupert.... given your experience with Nokia and Apple, I would love to
> read your more elaborate thoughts on the two options for mobile smart phone
> puters. Are you leaning towards iPhone?

I was a Nokia user for a long time...but without being a fanboy, I got
to say how awesome the iPhone is. The fact that you can figure out how
to do things without instructions is amazing. Hopefully, other
companies will follow this model.

It's strange to me that Nokia is open and Apple is closed, but
developers have created many more applications for Apple than Nokia.
Being a big fan of Open Source, it's just an example that usability
will always win.

As far as the camera on the iPhone 3GS, it's not something right home
about. The image is pretty poor. Little control. Bad mic. BUT BUT BUT
it is extremely easy to take a video and post it online. So easy.

Hopefully, Apple with all their developers and design sense will just
set the expectation for how all phones should be, open source


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