Not really a request for help, but I was wondering if you guys ever use the 's' command. It's just a shortcut for 'cl', which I almost never need. Since I don't assume it was put in to be complete or something, I'm intrigued by it's enigmatic purpose. :)

I'll admit that it took me a while (several years) to add it to my repertoire of actively used vim commands. I do use it these days, as it *does* cut off that extra keystroke. And, yes, I'm that lazy. :)

Most often, I end up using it ("s") when I need to alter the end of a word, such as removing a terminal ess or removing some punctuation and continuing editing from there. Tangentially, I still can't say I use "S", as I find "cc" much easier...both to remember and to type.

Just one perspective on the matter...


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