Peter Slizik wrote:
Not really a request for help, but I was wondering if you guys ever use
the 's' command.
It's just a shortcut for 'cl', which I almost never need. Since I don't
assume it was put in to be complete or something, I'm intrigued by it's
enigmatic purpose. :)

Well, I use it when I want to replace a word that is for example 4 letters long.

abcd efgh ijkl

Suppose I want to replace "efgh" with something else. I place the cursor at the beginning of the word and type '4s'. The word disappears and ViM switches to the insert mode.

-- Peter
Yes, I figured out that use, but isn't 'cw' always easier since you don't have to count? And when you need to only replace part, like replacing "abcd" in "abcdef", then I'd rather use 'cfd'.
Just my 2c of course.


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