When adding the "filetype plugin on" to my .vimrc file, my ftplugin file is
indeed loaded when I edit *.adb files (Ada).
But it seems other stuff does not work in that case. I use vim 6.3.82.
So I made the following test: with no local filetype.vim file and no file
in .vim/ftplugin directory, I added the line "filetype plugin on" to my
..vimrc file.
Then the "Ctrl+]" shortcut which usually search my tagfile does not work
any more. Instead, it echos in the command-line ":call JumpToTad_ada('')",
whereas without the new line in .vimrc it would return a list of choices
for the keyword under the cursor.

In the end, adding that simple line to my .vimrc file seems to break the
default configuration from $VIMRUNTIME directory, even though no particular
file lies in my local $RUNTIMEPATH.

Any idea explaining that strange behaviour?


[EMAIL PROTECTED] - 07/16/2006 02:22 AM

To:    drchip

cc:    Julien 3 NGUYEN, vim

Subject:    Re: ftplugin not detected

Charles E Campbell Jr wrote:
>> Hi everybody,
>> ViM does not detect my ada ftplugin file in $HOME/.vim/ftplugin/ada.vim,
>> though my runtimepath variable contains ~/.vim .
>> If I source the file manually, my stuff does work.
>> Has anyone an idea of what's wrong?
> Your .vimrc needs
>   filetype plugin indent on
> Regards,
> Chip Campbell

N.B. "indent" in the above is optional for filetype plugin activation;
and if you source the vimrc_example vim (for instance by

             source $VIMRUNTIME/vimrc_example.vim

near the top of your vimrc), the above ":filetype" command is included.

Best regards,

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