On Thu, Aug 24, 2006 at 10:40:40PM EDT, A.J.Mechelynck wrote:
> cga2000 wrote:
> >On Sat, Aug 19, 2006 at 01:32:33AM EDT, A.J.Mechelynck wrote:
> >>cga2000 wrote:
> >
> >[..]

> >This is weird .. I'm sure I replied to this and yet there's no trace
> >of my reply anywhere. 
> >
> >>>I'll probably use the dot '.' .. hope it doesn't clash with
> >>>anything..
> >>>
> >>>Or maybe there's a :digraph that would look good and yet not cause
> >>>trouble in email, printouts, .. eg.
> >
> >[..]
> >
> >Thank you for your suggestions.

> >>If you're using Latin1 or UTF-8, you may try:
> >>
> >>- Currency sign (decimal 164, ?, ^KCu)
> >>- Middle dot (decimal 183, ยท, ^K.M)

> >I did both:
> >
> >:set com+=fb:Cu
> >:set com+=fb:.M
> >
> >.. entered via a Ctrl-V Ctrl-K followed by the digraph .. and they do

> don't use Ctrl-V before the Ctrl-K. Just Ctrl-K followed by the
> digraph.  In each case you should see one character (a hollow bullet
> with outgrowing teeth on the four diagonals, or a dot at mid-height)
> appear as soon as you type the second character of the digraph. But if
> 'encoding' is neither Latin1 nor UTF-8 these characters may or may not
> exist.

OK. I had tested both data entry syntaxes -- just Ctrl-K or Ctrl-V
followed by Ctrl-K.  I did that with the middle dot and I was getting an
"invalid character" error message ..

But then I was unsure how you were supposed to enter the character and
figured that the problem was that I needed to enter a Ctrl-V before the
Ctrl-K .. when in fact what probably happened was that I was doing
something wrong .. inverting the digraph's two characters, maybe .. who

With your explanations above, I gave it another shot and this time
everything works as advertised. 

My only problem now is that both looks very nice indeed and I'm not sure
which one I am going to use.

Also, first thing I did was a 

:set encoding=latin1

> >not seem to be recognized.  When I reach the specified textwidth the
> >text entered wraps to column 1.
> >
> >.. I also tried with asterisk '*' and the result is different and
> >rather unexpected:  When I reached the end of the first line, Vim
> >automatically inserts an asterisk and a space in columns 1-2 before
> >carrying over the word I started on the previous line.  The strange
> >thing about this is

> looks like Vim is treating ' *' in columns 1-2 as the middle part of a 
> 3-part comment of this kind:
> /*
>  *
>  *
>  *
>  */
> according to was already set in 'comments' and in particular 
> s1:/*,mb:*,ex:*/
> >that if I do a:
> >
> >:set com=fb:*
> >
> >.. instead of 
> >
> >:set com+=fb:*
> >
> >this problem goes away (line 2 wraps to column 3 as expected).
> Without the + you set the option from scratch; with it you add to what 
> was already set. See ":help 'comments'".
Yes, that's what I meant.  When I use '=' instead of '+=" everything
else in "com" is wiped out .. so that's why I started suspecting that
something else in my default "com" settings was causing this.

I'll see tomorrow if I can figure it out.

BTW .. I had such a mess in "set com?" at one point that I tried a:

set com-=<garbage>

.. Vim didn't complain .. but didn't do anything either ..

Guess I'll have to play with this a little more to figure it out .. and
read the ":h comments" help file as directed.

Thank you very much .. nifty little tricks like this always make my


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